My "babies" are old now and writing these devotionals have made me feel just as purposeful & excited as I was when I was a young mommy investing the seed of God's Word into my kids' fertile heart. I loved sharing The Bread of Life with them then, and it's awe-inspiring now to see what lovely, strong, fruit-bearing trees they've become.
Perhaps I'll be able to get one of my fruit-bearing trees to do some editing for me for these devotionals, as my grammar & editing are atrocious. Or I may be able to beg some editing favors from friends. But I've decided to get the ideas available, even in their raw form. Or else the deed might not be done at all. And that would be a waste.
Thanks for enjoying God's Word with me. Thanks for allowing me to enter the sacred garden of your children's spirit. I shall ever be aware of the value and honor to be there.